This article will take you through the steps needed to configure a cloud printer on your solution.

Step 1: Locate the Printers module:

Navigate to the intended business => Program Administration => Printers

Step 2: Configure the "Print Classes" that you want enabled on this location

Print classes are groups of printers that this print class will print to.

Menu items get assigned to a print classes and in return will print out on those printers.

If you do not have multiple print classes, then create a class called "All Printers" and assign this class to all menu items.

Step 3: Add a new printer - If you need assistance installing this printer, see this video:

Printer Name - A custom name that you want to call this printer.
Model name - The model name of the printer (displayed on the front)
Business - Select the business that your location will be linked to.
Mac address* - The mac address of the printer.
Status updated at - This is a system generated field
Paper type - The default should be "regular", select "label" if you have the label paper. NOTE: This is only supported in the TSP 700II series printers.
Is active - Determines if we should start sending print jobs to this printer.
Print summary - When an enabled it will print out the summary of the order at this printer.
Print secondary items - This is only used when a print class is used for this printer. This will print out any other item as a "Secondary Item" on the receipt to show you what else is on this order. 
Printer class list - The list of print classes enabled for this printer.
Duplicate each print job - This will print out a second copy of every print job scheduled to go to this printer.
Check in - When enabled it will print out the check-in job when a customer check's in. (Explained here).

Step 4: Test the new feature!

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