Definition of Done

Our Workflow

We rely on Jira to organize our tasks, which follow a structured progression:

  • New: Tasks are initiated.

  • Backlog: Tasks are queued up, ready for action.

  • In Progress: Developers dive into the work.

  • Coding Complete: Developers wrap up coding and conduct initial tests.

  • PM Approved: Managers review and approve the work.

    • Documentation Check: The manager verifies if documentation is required for the task.

    • Actions Log Updates: Actions logs are reviewed and updated if necessary.

    • Deletron Feature Updates: If applicable, the deletron feature is updated.

  • Coding Approved: Code reviewers ensure the code meets standards.

  • Audit Approved: Tasks pass rigorous security and compliance checks.

  • QA Approved: Thorough testing confirms functionality and quality.

  • Rejected: If issues are found, tasks are sent back for refinement.

What Done Means

When a task is labeled "done," it signifies:

  • Completion: The task fulfills the specified requirements.

  • Review: Review team scrutinized the work to ensure its quality.

  • Safety: Security and compliance standards have been met.

  • Functionality: Testing confirms that everything works as expected.

  • Approval: All necessary stakeholders have given their approval.

Additional Considerations

In addition to the core workflow, we emphasize:

  • Specification Accessibility: Detailed specifications are accessible from Jira/Confluence, ensuring clarity and alignment with requirements.

  • High-Impact Task Documentation: Tasks with significant impact require comprehensive feature specifications in Confluence, linked to the relevant Jira item.

  • Product Impact Analysis: We carefully analyze the potential impact of upcoming changes on the product, ensuring strategic alignment and mitigating risks.