Non-Discountable Item Setup

The Non-Discountable Items feature is used when needing to select which menu items can/cannot be discounted from the POS or Online Ordering platforms. This is not to be confused with a buy one get one (BOGO) style campaigns.

This feature will assess the items that are added to the order and only calculate the discount amount based on those items. This calculation can vary between percent based and dollar based discounts, both scenarios will be outlined below.


  • CCP Setup:

    • Enable Group Feature Toggle "Non-discountable Menu Items"

  • Non-Discountable Items for Simphony

    • This requires the Simphony plugin version 1.8.3 or higher

    • Additionally, in the xml configuration for this plugin, it requires the Appsuite API version number to be v6 or higher

  • Online Ordering

    • This requires the base version to be v2.010 or higher


Setting up non-discountable items for Simphony

  1. In order to choose which items can be discounted or not, we need to first configure the Major Groups, Family Groups, and/or Sales Itemizers in Appsuite based on the configuration from the POS. In Appsuite, these are called “POS Groups”

    1. In many cases, locations in Simphony can share the same menu configuration, if so the setup of the Major Groups, Family Groups, and Sales Itemizers only needs to be configured once for the set of locations.

  2. To setup these POS Groups, you can navigate to the group settings module and on the top bar select the module called “POS Groups”.

  3. On the top of this page, you will have an option to create a new POS Group. The name of this group should be descriptive enough to reflect the location(s) that it will control. For example, if each location has their own menu, then the name should be that of the location. If the menu is shared across multiple locations, then perhaps a better name would include the region of those stores (ie. Midwest, South East, Region 1, etc).


  4. Once you create the POS group, the next step is to select which location(s) you want this POS group to apply to. NOTE: If you have already linked a location to a previous POS group, you will not be able to select that location for this group. Those locations will be greyed out and not selectable:


  5. After selecting the locations, you can now move on to adding in the Major Groups, Family Groups, and/or Sales Itemizers to the configuration. This information should match the configuration in EMC.

    1. The ID’s are the most important part as this is how we know which menu items to discount, the names should match to avoid confusion, however if they are slightly different than the POS it will not cause any issues.

    2. PRO TIP: In EMC, when you are looking at the table view, you can highlight the rows, click Control + C , and then paste those records in the Excel, making it a lot easier to copy and paste the values when entering them in to CCP.

  6. To add a new Major Group, Family Group, or Sales Itemizer, you can select the “Add New” button in the respective section and enter in the Name and ID of the record and click save. Continue this until all of the data is configured.

  7. After saving these records you can now ready to configure these settings on any new or existing offer. To do so, navigate to the page where you are editing the offer. For example: Group Settings => campaigns => click edit => then click "edit" next to the offer.

  8. On the offer edit page, you can scroll down to the section called POS Group Name

  9. Select from the dropdown the POS group that you created in the previous set and then click the + button.

    1. This will then display that POS group below, with all of the locations that were enable on the POS Group


  10. From here, you are simply selecting which items you would like the discounts to apply towards.

    1. For example, if I select the Family Group “Appetizers” then CCP will look for all items on the check that are linked to Family Group “Appetizers” and calculate the discount accordingly.

      1. NOTE: All menu items in Simphony, in one way or another, are linked to a Major Group, Family Group, and Sales Itemizer.

        1. When setting up the discountable items, under typical configuration you would only select items from a single class (Major Group, Family Group, OR Sales Itemizer), however you are allowed to select items from any/all classes. Just note if you want to only target “Appetizers” but you also select the Major Group “Food” then you will most likely be pulling in a lot more, if not all, of the food menu items into the discount calculation.

    2. After configuring these settings, you can then save the offer and test your configuration.

      1. NOTE: Since these items are added to CCP manually, it is important to make sure that if the values are changed in the POS, that you also update CCP to reflect those changes, however it is not very common to change these values on the POS after their initial setup.


Setting up non-discountable items for online ordering

  1. In order to select which items you want discountable/non-discountable you will first need to setup the online ordering menu on the locations you wish to configure this for.

  2. Once the online ordering menu it setup, you can navigate to the edit offer page. For example: Group Settings => campaigns => click edit => then click “edit” next to the offer.

  3. Next scroll down to the “Non-Discountable Menu Items Panel”

    1. NOTE: If you are adding a new offer, this section will only be visible once you have saved the initial settings for the offer.

  4. From here you should select the location from the first dropdown and then move the items that you DO NOT want to discount over to the right hand side. Once you have done this for all locations you can click save on the bottom of the page and test your configuration.


Calculation Logic

The logic is slightly different based on dollar and percent based discounts

  • For dollar based discounts (exact amount or max value) the system will attempt to discount the full amount set on the offer, not exceeding the SUM of the discountable items. If the SUM of the discountable items are less than the offer value, then the offer will be applied for the SUM amount.

  • For percent based discounts, the SUM of the discountable items will be multiplied by the percent amount to figure out the discount value. This discount value will then be compared to the “Maximum Discount Amount”, and apply the lesser of the two values.



OLD, please ignore:

Menu1 - Price1 (full price of Menu Item including all modifiers and multiplied by Item Quantity) Menu2 - Price2 .... Offer1 - Value1 Offer2 - Value2 .... For each Offer Define set of discountable Menu Items If (Offer Type = Percent) - Just decrease each Menu Price on Offer Value % Else (Offer Type is Exact amount) If (Offer Value >= Sum of all Discountable Menu Items) - All discountable Menu items will be discounted to 0 Else Offer Value should be proportionally divided between all discountable Menu Items according to Menu Prices (Example Discountable Items - Menu1 ($10), Menu2 ($5), Offer ($6) - Result Menu1 (10 - 4 = $6), Menu2 (5 - 2 = $3)) After proportional dividing sum of discounted amount could be less or greater then original Offer Value (because of rounding) Spread this difference by 1 cent (+ or -) to discountable MenuItems one be one while Offer Values original and real be the same Summarize each Menu Discount values to Base Discount